musiXmatch API library for NodeJS
I’ve just published my first NPM package, and it’s called musixmatch. With this library you can easily use the musiXmatch API with a few lines of javascript. Install it with NPM:
npm install -g musixmatch
And here an example:
var util = require("util");
var mXm = require("musixmatch");
mXm.Config.API_KEY = "YOUR_API_KEY";
var successCallback = function(modelOrCollection) {
console.log(" " + util.inspect(modelOrCollection));
var errorCallback = function(response) {
console.log("Error callback:");
console.log(" " + util.inspect(response));
mXm.API.getTrack(TRACK_ID, successCallback, errorCallback);
mXm.API.getLyrics(LYRICS_ID, successCallback, errorCallback);
mXm.API.getArtist(ARTIST_ID, successCallback, errorCallback);
mXm.API.getAlbum(ALBUM_ID, successCallback, errorCallback);
mXm.API.getSubtitle(TRACK_ID, successCallback, errorCallback);
mXm.API.searchTrack({q: QUERY}, successCallback);
If you want you can set your musiXmatch API KEY as an environment variable, and you won’t need to set it in your code:
You can find the source code on github.